SANIFLUID® is a hypochlorous acid rich solution (HOCl), for water disinfection and general disinfection. SANIFLUID® is the definitive solution to waterborne pathogens in water distribution systems.
The use of chlorine ( in the typical sodium hypochlorite form) as a water disinfectant is declining because of safety, environmental and health considerations. Cancer is a major concern as can be seen from the references below. (17 to 24) Various alternatives have been explored, including bleach, bleach with bromide, ozone, ultraviolet, chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite, chloramine (chlorine & ammonia), copper-silver ionization, and thermal disinfection. Each offers some advantages but also some disadvantages.
SANIFLUID® has the advantages of other disinfectants without their disadvantages. Categories of analysis include: efficacy, safety, taste and odors, impact on equipment and systems, effect on biofilm, residual effects, ease of use, maintenance and cost. SANIFLUID® brings a new standard of safety to humans and animals by being able to completely eliminate pathogens from water, while also eliminating biofilm, from every pipe, faucet and other water carrying and dispensing units.
When our skin is wounded, white blood cells release an oxidant, called Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) to act as a natural disinfectant.
Since HOCl is naturally produced in our body, it’s not only more effective as a disinfectant than many other disinfectants, but it’s also more effective as a healing agent in many ways.
Hypochlorous acid has been investigated as a possible wound care agent (1)(2)(3), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved products whose main active ingredient is hypochlorous acid for use in treating wounds and various infections in humans and pets. It is also FDA-approved as a preservative for saline solutions.

SANIFLUID® will remove biofilm from pipes. Biofilm, which is the slime that accumulates inside pipes, allows for the REVERSE MIGRATION OF BACTERIA. Besides the contamination of water from the original source, water can be contaminated from the end of the distribution point. This is a fact most people are not aware of, and it occurs in all sorts of settings and is extremely dangerous. For instance:
American Dental Association studies show that colony-forming units (CFU’s) begin at the discharge point of water appliances and migrate back to the source of the water. One study showed that the devices dental professionals use to apply water to teeth and oral surfaces is contaminated by microbes in their patients’ mouths. (4) Microbial populations increase rapidly, migrating up inside the water line, even when using completely sterile water, flushing the line 20 seconds between patients and flushing the system with bleach once a week.
In fact, faucets, shower heads, drinking lines for animals, drop by drop irrigation systems, and many other types of water using or water dispensing equipment, are constantly being exposed to various human, animal and environmental contaminants. These contaminants are very problematic in high use installations, like hotels, hospitals, large buildings, airports, chicken farms, dairy farms, pig farms, etc. Such installations are used by numerous people or animals in various stages of transmitting pathogens, or having a heightened susceptibility to pathogens. With the presence of biofilm, the pathogens can migrate back into the water line, develop further and then be released through the dispensing instrument, faucet, shower head drinking lines, etc. The pathogens will also of course grow in the faucets, shower heads, and any dispensing instrument where biofilm can grow. SANIFLUID® removes the biofilm, destroying the media for bacterial growth and migration.

Southland Waters stands ready to supply SANIFLUID® in the following ways:

Installing a complete SANIFLUID® producing system at your premises. You can buy, lease or rent such a system.

Installing a SANIFLUID® dispensing system at your premises: You rent the system and purchase SANIFLUID® from Southland Waters or an approved distributor.

Supplying SANIFLUID® in the container that is most suitable for your use
References in the text
(1) Wang L et al. "Hypochlorous acid as a potential wound care agent. Part I Stabilized hypochlorous acid: a component of the inorganic armamentarium of innate immunity". J Burns and Wounds 2007; April: 65–79.
(2) Robson MC et al. "Hypochlorous acid as a potential wound care agent. Part II Stabilized hypochlorous acid: its role in decreasing tissue bacterial bioburden and overcoming the inhibition of infection on wound healing". Journal of Burns and Wounds 2007; April: 80–90.
(3) Selkon, JB; et al. (2006). "Evaluation of hypochlorous acid washes in the treatment of venous leg ulcers". J Wound Care. 2006 (15): 33–37.
(4) MURDOCH-KINCH, C.A.; ANDREWS, N.L.; ATWAN, S.; JUDE, R.; GLEASON, M.J.; MVLINARI, J.A. Comparison of Dental Water Quality Management Procedures. The Jour. Of the Amer. Dental Assoc. Sept. (1997).
Further references
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STOUT, J.E. ET AL. Potable Water as the Cause of Sporadic Cases of Community-acquired Legionnaires Disease. New England Jour. Med., 326:151 (1992).
SCHLECH, W.F. III ET AL. Legionnaires’ Disease in the Caribbean: An Outbreak Associated With a Resort Hotel. Archives Internal Med., 145:2076 (1985).
RUTALA, W. A., WEBER, D.J. Water as a Reservoir of Nosocomial Pathogens. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. An Official Journal of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America. Vol. 18. Sept. (1997).
LIN, Y.E.; VIDIC, R.D.; STOUT, J.E.; YU, V.L. Legionella in Water Distribution Systems. Journal AWWA. 90:113 (1998).
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SUSLOW, T.V. Introduction to ORP as the Standard of Postharvest Water Disinfection Monitoring. Department of Vegetable Crops, Univ. of Calif-Davis.
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